Teal with Farm / Garden / Easter Print Handmade Waterproof Base Sit Mat - Great for Picnics

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Teal with Farm / Garden / Easter Print Handmade Waterproof Base Sit Mat - Great for Picnics



Sit mat consists of a waterproof base, a fleece middle for warmth and a cosy cotton topper for comfort


Great for use in/on:

  • Picnics
  • Outdoor cinemas
  • Wet benches/seats
  • Beaches
  • Nappy changing time
  • Hiking
  • Camping
  • Outdoor event
  • Adventurous days out


Compact and portable


When packing away, fold in half (waterproof sides facing each other), then fold in half the other way to make quarters and either fold in thirds or roll it and secure with the elastic


Approx 48cm square, ideal for 1 person or 2 small children